Monday, January 24, 2011


This past Friday, we had the pleasure of welcoming Keith Durrant and Leslie Horan of Ecentricarts. Their work includes work for arts&culture organizations, law firms and services.  Examples of their clients include:
  • Osler 
  • Kids Help Phone
  • National Ballet of Canada
  • Glasgow School of Art
  • Cultural Careers Council of Ontario
  • Textile Museum of Canada
  • Toronto Museum Project

I found their presentation refreshing and inspiring, as it was mainly focused on the aesthetics and execution of good design for clients in the arts and culture sector. The culture of Ecentricarts sounds to be hardworking, friendly and laid back with a low turn over rate. 

317 Adelaide St. W, Suite 300
Toronto ON
M5V 1P9
416 644 5000 x221

MacLaren McCann

Just before the break, John Alabazowski, Creative Director at  MacLaren McCann, came to pay us a visit. John took us through the various stages of his career, along with the do's and don'ts of the industry. He stressed the importance of collaboration and having a thicker skin when facing criticism.

Some of MacLaren McCann's clients include:
  • Buick
  • Chevy Cruze campaign
  • Royal Bank
  • Nescafe
  • World Vision
  • Viral Campaign for Halo 3
  • Camp Couchiching (non-profit)

    Chevy Cruze Campaign

    Buick Olympic Campaign 2010

    MacLaren McCann Canada
    10 Bay Street, Toronto, ON, M5J 2S3