Thursday, April 7, 2011


This week Stephen Coomber of TAXI was our guest speaker. Stephen was once a Sheridan student, having graduated from the New Media Design Program. Upon leaving Sheridan, he was a Flash Animator at Organic for two years. Before starting at TAXI, he was at Young and Rubicam for a short time.  Stephen had an inspiring yet realistic view of the design industry.

Stephen had some valuable advice to share:

1) Have basic knowledge of the industry and who they work with.
2) Find someone to act as your mentor
3) Make yourself known and jump at opportunity
4) Always have control of where your career is heading.
5) Use social media
6) Never stop learning
7) Maintain work relationships
8) Do not take yourself too seriously
9) Always have passion
10) Don't be afraid to say no
11) Document everything!


Taxi Canada
495 Wellington Street West, Suite 102
Toronto, ON M5V 1E9
T: 416-342-8294 x424
F: 416-979-7626


This week we were fortunate enough to have Hilary Jackson, Dondy Razon and Nadeem Visanji come to visit us from NuRun. They discussed the art of marketing and the progression it has taken through time. Early on, they described advertising as "shouting at people," whereas today, they listen to the consumer and their needs.
They also discussed the process of the job search and interviews.
Their  advice:
-gain something from every experience, whether it be good or bad.
-do not ask if you are right for a particular company, but rather are they right for you.
-do not narrow yourself to one position
-make connections
-be confident in yourself as an individual
-realize what makes you different from the rest
-have other interests and passions

Contact Information:

Hilary Jackson
Project Coordinator

Dondy Razon
Associate Creative Director
Twitter: @dondy

Nadeem Visanji
Digital Strategist

96 Spadina Avenue, 9th Floor
Tel: (416) 591-6000
Toronto (Ontario) M5V 2J6
Fax: (416) 591-6100